Level 2
Level 2
Member since ‎07-23-2003

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  • 181 Posts
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  • 37 Helpful votes Given
  • 23 Helpful votes Received
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We use CRS 4.04 with ICM 7.0. We utilize two CRS servers for load balancing/redundancy on anything that runs through the IVR. We have a problem though. When we were just using one IVR, we had a script that would record a message to be used by anot...
We use Call Manager 4.2(3). We have about 90 phones already deployed with two lines and the other four are for speed dials. For one of the lines reserved for a speed dial, we'd like to add the speed dial number. Can this be done via BAT for existi...
We are in a mixed environment currently where we still have a CRS server with version 3.5(x). We will begin migrating all the scripts to a new server that is 4.0(x). My question is can both CRA editors be installed on my PC without conflicts or one...
Does anyone know of a way to redirect the call to a CTI RP if the caller stays on the line after the agent hangs up? We want to redirect the caller to a customer survey if the caller stays on the line. If it can be done, is it a one size fits all? ...
I'm getting the following message on the Router process window:TranRoutetoVRU failed. Unable to map route 5010 to a network VRUI know that 5010 is the service I've selected in the "Trans Route to VRU" node. Any idea what I have configured wrong? W...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-23-2003 12:08 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 181
Total Helpful Votes Received 23
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