Rafael Chavantes
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Member since ‎01-19-2009

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I have made a factory reset on a 7962 and now is stucked on the upgrading screen, but i need to input the tftp manually but i cant access the menu.Any toughts on how can i access the menu?
Hello All,I'm deploying a new UCS C210 Server, but we are facing some problems:1- When connecting a monitor to it the monitor do not show anything, like the server is power off2- With the server off, i can access the cimc, but after i power on i lose...
Hello All,I'm trying to do the initial configuration for a C210 but we have no keyboard and monitor. So the idea was to use the default configuration on the Shared LOM, using DHCP. But i can't get an ip address.We connected the server to the switch c...
Hello all,I'm implemeting a CUCM 8.6.2 and under the Common Phone Profile Configuration there is a option (the last one) that is Background Image.According to the help file we have:Background Image: This parameter specifies the default wallpaper file...
Does any one know how to enable the local directory on CME?I have done the steps in the Instalation Guide, but no joy.When i press the Directory button on the phone show"Host not found"Any clue?
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Member Since ‎01-19-2009 02:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 111
Total Helpful Votes Received 4
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