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Member since ‎09-19-2006

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Hi!I have an issue with my cucm 10.5.I have a sip trunk that is connected to the telephone service provider, and when someone calls to another user of the same cucm, but dialing the long number (the number providade by the telephone service provider ...
Hi!Is there anyone who can provide me with an asp/jscript/etc of a custom corporate directory for the cucm?I need to add the department on the corporate directory response, but i cannot find anything already done.Tkx in advanced!Miguel
Where can i get an asp to do an custom corporate directory? The objective is to create the same corporate directory has the one that comes with the cucm, but the awnser gives back the department. So i need it to query the cucm using axl/soap. TKX in...
Hi! I'm having a problem with an ISR4331 regarding NAT. I cannot make a static nat for port 5011 because it keeps reponding this: %Port 5011 is being used by system The show ip socket gives me this: Proto Remote Port Local Port In Out Stat TTY Outp...
Does Cisco 2901 router support VRRP? BR Miguel Amaral
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Member Since ‎09-19-2006 11:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-27-2024 12:16 AM
Posts 57
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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