House Cat
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Member since ‎02-15-2013

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Looking for a way to script the scenario:Customer calls to agent. IVR prompts for user's employeenumber.[script here]Agent keeps web browser open at, which refreshes automatically based on []We currently already have a w...
Greetings,In my UCCX script I'm trying to "make rest call" to NTLM (integrated windows authentication), i've tried just username and domain\username - no luck.Guess, UCCX is lunix and doesn't support NTLM. How can i make this work?
Greetings all, We would like to move from enhanced licenses to CUWL. I'm having troubles to offer User Self Service and Provisioning for shared phone owners. One shared phone, has one directory number, one shared email and 4 user personal emails and ...
Is it possible to replace abbreviated dial softkey with combination? For example **25 instead of "hitting AbbrDial then 25"
Greetings, How can I set up the following: Internal call to internal #9999 -> redirect to external +7 7272 009999 Call cost at our expence External call  to internal #9999 -> redirect to external +7 7272 009999 Call cost at caller A's expence
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Member Since ‎02-15-2013 02:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-04-2023 04:45 AM
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