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Member since ‎12-18-2008

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HiI need to upgrade cuc to CUC_12.5.1.12900-56.sgn.isoI configured VM to link on the CUC_12.5.1.12900-56.sgn.isoBut when I initiate the upgrade, it doesnt view the filePlease Helpadmin:utils system upgrade initiateWarning: Do not clos...
Hi, I have 1 cucm Publicher and 2 CUCM Sucriber (version 11.0). it work fineI upgraded the PUB to version 12.5, by now the 2 suscriber remain on 11.0After upgrade PUB to 12.5, I power off the suscriber, then some phone are registered and work, but so...
HiI installed CUCM 12.5 SU1I have ip phone 8811 and 7821When I try to access coorporate directory on the ip phone, I get the error message : host not foundI chnage the System >Enterprise parameters. and modify the Phone URL values from hostname to IP...
HiI need to upgrade CUCM to version, but upgrade failFound below the error messageinstallation of ucsinstall-ucos_12.5.1.12900-115.sgn.iso failedthere is not enough disk space in the common partition to perform the u...
HiI have ISR4321-V/K9 with E1 card. I use it as voice gateway for CUCMI need to replace that ISRVoice option is intagrated by default or I need voice licence on the C8200L-1N-4T to replace ISR4321-V/K9 ?Which licence do I need to add on the C8200L-1N...
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Member Since ‎12-18-2008 12:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-14-2023 04:52 AM
Posts 346
Total Helpful Votes Received 17
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