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Level 2
Member since ‎06-02-2004

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  • 413 Posts
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I am doing an audit on 4 controllers and found that on one of them the RF group update time interval is 300 seconds, which is half of the default.  I am trying to figure out how and why this is the case and what it matters.
I have a curious issue.  I am running at stack of 3 WS-C3750X-48PF-S switches.  I wanted to activate poe on a range of Interfaces so I just applied a simple interface range command and then typed power inline auto.  I get the prompt that says command...
We are using PEAP to authenticate wireless users via their Active Directory Accounts.  Is there any way to keep a user by username from authenticating to more than 2 devices?
I have an interesting behavior.  When my guest users attach to the guest network, I want them to use some external DNS source and not my organizations DNS servers.  So, I set the dhcp scope options to point to other DNS Servers.  When I do, the users...
I am trying to connect a remote site to our main site using 2 ASA 5505s.  The 5505 at the main site is mainly used for any connect clients.  But I would like to use it as a termination point for the second ASA that will be going at the remote site.Th...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-02-2004 06:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-11-2019 06:10 AM
Posts 413
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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