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Member since ‎02-20-2004

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  • 276 Posts
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Hello there I am upgrading a customer from to 10.5each time the upgrade fails and shows no inactive partition (obviously since the upgrade failed)I tried upgrading to and both with the same results.I will a...
Hello All, I installed a new instance of Attendant Console Advanced 10.5.2.   and all was working fine. I did a reboot of the server and now the services will not start.  On the Service Management page Cisco Unified Attendant Server shows Status: Sto...
Hello there, I just upgraded a customer to of call manager.  Now the Call Manager Cisco SOAP - CDRonDemand Service restarts every 8-10 minutes.I tried:-rebooting the cluster (pub and sub)-restarting the CDR and Soap related servers-tur...
Hello All,I have to change a security password on a cluster i am upgrading, as the system will not allow me to use that same password on the new servers due to it being like a dictionary word.I have the steps to reset the password etc belowhttp://www...
Hello there, We just did an upgrade from an older version of unity and call manager (4 to 9)There unity was tied to lotus notes.  We are having an issues configuring the Viewmail for lotus notes client. we are using the following installation guide...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-20-2004 05:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-12-2017 08:20 AM
Posts 276
Total Helpful Votes Received 13
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