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Member since ‎07-08-2003

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Hi all,i have recently upgraded my 8851 console with 36 expansion module to 10.3.1.The user uses extension mobility.All 36 buttons have BLF speed dials.After the user logs in to her profile, BLF works fine but after a random period ( 1hour maybe less...
Hi all,i don't know if it is so obvious but i really can't find a solution!And i can't find enough discussions so that means that i am completely wrong or nobody has tried it before.I can see that my CUCM 9.1 offers 887VA-V subscription as SCCP gatew...
Hi all,i have the following problem:3905 is registered on a CME-1 with codec preference g729r8 and then g711 u and aCME-1 has a sip trunk to another CME-2 using the same codec voice class orderCME-2 has the same settings for calls to CME-1SPA502 phon...
Hi all,in my test LAB i have used a 5505 running 9.1.1.I have setup a DC (2008R2) and then AD Agent.I have configured and used Identity firewall rules which worked like a charm!!I have also used LDAP Auth which also worked fine.I then disabled all th...
Hi all, UC560  is runnig CME 8.6 (uc500-advipservicesk9-mz.151-4.M4b).I only have internal SCCP devices.I have configured presence, allow watch on all dns and blf speed dial command on an SP508 with 500S addon.Well, it works for some hours ( i am try...
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Member Since ‎07-08-2003 10:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-16-2023 12:45 PM
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