Alfredo Naranjo
Level 1
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Member since ‎09-13-2006

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  • 62 Posts
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  • 15 Helpful votes Received
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Hi All,I have a problem with a hospital emergency service, in case of cardiorespiratory attack, my costumer wants to call a number this automatic conference with another 6 mobiles numbers.Is there any solution I can use with CUCM and/or UCCX? Any ide...
Hi everyone, I have a CUCM 9.1.2 and UCCX 10.5, using Code G-729 for both of them because calls in from NGN I'm trying to use best practises creating a script and adding MoH in ICD caller in queue, the problem is there is not completely sound between...
Does anyone know a way to report on any Cisco phones not registered in "X" days or a way to pull off a list of all phones and show the date they last registered? My customer has many Jabber users and EM, he rotate employees and never knows who is act...
Hi everyone,I have to upgrade Unified communications system CUCM, CUC, UCCX from 9.1.2 to 11.5.I would like to know the step by step procedure to upgrade, I have all the licenses.I have create this step by step:1. Deploy OVA's for version 11.x CUCM, ...
Hi everyone, I am trying to add a new application and I have received this error message: "error while performing the operation. please look into logs for more information". Anyone know anything about this error? Thanks in advanced Alfredo.
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-13-2006 06:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-23-2024 11:55 PM
Posts 62
Total Helpful Votes Received 15