Rajan R
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Member since ‎07-13-2011

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HiHave a customer who wants to disable ssh in cucm and unity connection, can this be done ?Thanks
Hello,Have a couple of 9500 Distribution Switch. For any 9300 access switch, there is a 25 Gig Uplink which goes from each distribution switch to the 9300 3nos-Switch stack. Does this mean the total bandwidth is 50GigBelow is the config I see on one ...
So I have a Cucm with 8300 Router with a PRI. Very straight forward setup. We got some Cube licences and the Microsoft Teams license to enable Direct Routing. Is there any document with example on how i can Trunk the Teams and the Router, so I can ma...
Hi,Running a Unity Connection 12.5. I am unable to ping the local vlan gateway from the cli. Hence it is not reaching the internet and unable to sync licenses. I am able to ping CUCM since it is in the same VM Server. Nothing goes out otherwise. Rest...
We are renewing our Enhanced licenses for our CUCM 12.5. We received a Provisioning mail from the Webex email ID. If we click on the link, it redirects to a page saying Unauthorized (screenshot attached). When we click on sign in, it goes to admin.we...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-13-2011 06:48 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-25-2024 07:14 AM
Posts 194
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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