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Member since ‎12-02-2003

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  • 119 Posts
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  • 80 Helpful votes Given
  • 18 Helpful votes Received
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Hi cscIn DMM 5.4 the new concept of 'Channels' was introduced which uses 'subscriptions' for adding the content and channels to the DMP groups.This is a great feature for creating a list of default and scheduled content and then having different dmp ...
Hi CSCWe had corrupt disks on a MCS server and needed to rebuilt the array and reinstall the DMM OS and restore.The server was running 5.4 and had been upgraded from previous versions since 5.2.1.I obtained a 5.4 ISO image and it starts the install p...
Hi allI have been testing the new 1.0 Client for the last few days and have some results below, will be interested to hear if others experience these?I am also interested if the Cisco BU looks at these posts or is there another forum I should be post...
Hi NetProsI have a customer with 2 x subscribers that are clustered over a WAN, there are uses and ip phones at each site registered to their local CUCM subscriber server.There are also 2 x unity cxn servers that are also clusted over the WAN and reg...
Hello allI have a Communications Manager Express running 8.5 and have been trying to connect it to an ITSP via a SIP trunk (Broadsoft SBC).There is a requirement to use the P-Asserted-Identity field in the INVITE header configured for the pilot numbe...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-02-2003 06:07 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-07-2021 10:53 PM
Posts 119
Total Helpful Votes Received 18
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