Ken Douglas
Level 1
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Member since ‎01-31-2006

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Hello:We have Unity Connection 8.6 installed and have the Exchange Calendar integration working.  From a TUI our users can now get their calendar events, accept or decline meetings, and contact organizers and participants.  All really cool.  I see th...
Hello:We're running CUCM version 8.5 and we're starting to rely on Extension Mobility to reduce the costs of our Moves, Adds, and Changes.  One problem we're seeing is PIN management.  We'd like to assign individuals unique PINs that would be treated...
Hello:We have a call center where the managers are keenly interested in using Unified Mobility (single number reach) using their mobile phones as remote destinations.  Being a call center, every phone in the complex has the same external number mask ...
Hello:We have a Unity 7 installation that uses our corporate Exchange 2007 system as the message store (Unified mode).  My Exchange administrator is getting ready to install Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3.  I've determined that Unity 7 with Exchange 20...
Hello:Anyone have any experience with Unified Mobile Communicator (Communications Manager 7.1(3)) and the BlackBerry Curve 8530?  Its not listed in this document:
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-31-2006 03:27 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-25-2021 12:34 AM
Posts 72
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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