Stefan Walter
Level 1
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Member since ‎06-03-2012

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  • 90 Posts
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  • 16 Helpful votes Received
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Hi Community,   I'm upgrading to version 12.5 CUCM / CUC. I looked via PUT for the bootable version 12.5 CUCM / CUC. Unfortunately I find there only the version 12.0 Bootable   The question is, where do I get the bootable version 12.5 CUCM / CUC? Ce...
Hello Cisco Community,   via PCD I have migrate CUCM cluster in Version 9 to Version 11.5 with new hostnames / IPs. So lets say we have now 2 Clusters. Everything is running good so far. The ITL consolidation run smoothy and I can change manually the...
Hi Cisco Community, customer is asking for a solution to customize the toast (popup) notification for screensharing by using cisco jabber for Windows. The task is to change the layout of the request. Color, text, letter size and maybe the position. ...
Hi Community, one of our customer raise a Ticket with the following question regarding Cisco WebEx Meeting Server in Version The language selection for sending invitation emails is depending on the language of the meetings host. Thi...
Hi Community, I have a question to the follwoing problem.Hope anybody can help me or give me an hint. Our customer have an CUCM / IM&P in version 10.5 cluster.He wants to use the fqdn in the CFS device. I try to look into the CFSSEPXXXXXX.cnf.xml and...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-03-2012 11:58 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-08-2021 12:03 AM
Posts 90
Total Helpful Votes Received 16