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Member since ‎01-03-2004

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Do you know if the WIC-1ENET cards work in the 2811 ISR? I just moved one I had from a 1720 to a 2811, and it isn't being recognized. I just read a PDF off of Cisco.com that indicates that these cards will not work in the 1841 (while also stating the...
To allow any connection can I add an allowed hosts entry from ? I need to temporarily grant all networks access to the IDS management.
I have a open tac case about quality issues with the 4-port FXO card in a 3825. Anyone else hearing about quality issues? -jason
About 5 years ago I recall hearing Cisco was working on handset paging. After CCME, did they give up?I see all sorts of 3rd party products, Valcom, and some multicast apps written by guys in their spare time that work. Since it isn't overly complex...
I saw a design were all the lines are in the <none> partition, will this cause any problems? It seems to be working fine about with about 400 phones. I thought the System Guide states never leave a line in the <none> partition (Chapter 13-3) to avoid...
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Member Since ‎01-03-2004 06:47 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 232
Total Helpful Votes Received 3
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