I am attempting to update a custom variable field (specifically, callVariable1) from an external CRM system.This works if I authenticate as the Agent's username/password, but fails if I attempt to use a service/Administrator account -- the failure sc...
I was working with a consultant the other day who brought up something the competition does, and I am now plagued with curiousity on whether or not I can do this on Unity. There's a $5 bet on the line with a collegue, so I'm hoping lindborg, kechamb...
I ran in to an interesting situation the other week that I was able to work around, and was considering trying this approach in reverse.My scenario the other week is that we needed to be able to forward calls from a CallManager to a legacy Voicemail ...
Shout to to this old thread from 2020, still running in to this in 2024. Ran in to this again today on an 11.5(1)SU4 cluster, this time only the IMP portion. Same deal, used the /etc/mtab fix I provided above, immediately fixed.
@Nuno Melo wrote:I know this is a 2 year old post, however there seems to be no additional info on the voice yang model usageThrough my findings and as per simranigate Original post the voice-ios-xe-oper is indeed only usable in certein platforms l...
@jdiegmueller wrote:Curious if the other folks who reported this were perhaps using IPs (vs FQDNs) for the CUCM node definitions in System->Server? This customer is, and that's the only thing that's a little unique about this enviornment. Hoping th...
@Peter Kuznicki wrote:Running into exact same issue after enabling SIP OAuth mode on CUCM 12.5 (SU4) and Expressway's version x12.5.4. Have you found a fix for this?I realize this is a tick over a year old, but wanted to give this thread a bump to as...
Every time I need to do this, I forget all the cURL command line options to authenticate, POST, and send along the necessary POST body. So with that in mind, I'm documenting it here for myself & anyone else who needs it: CHANGE TO MEDIUMcurl -u user...