Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎09-07-2015

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  • 473 Posts
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  • 42 Helpful votes Received
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Dear All, As part of the periodic health checkup we need to run the diagnostics and health checkup tools/commands for the following  collaboration devices . Please suggest reliable tools required and their prerequisites. 1. Cisco Business Edition 700...
Hi All, May I know how to disable missed call alerts globally? Thank you Syed
Dear All, I have 3 wireless phones which are registered to CUCM 11.x and working fine but the problem is when I dial out among these phones (meaning extension to extension) I am experiencing 10 -13 seconds delay in calling. May someone please help me...
Dear All, May I ask you how to switch firmware version on CTS-1300 through cli? Thank you Regards, Syed
Dear All, Can you explain phone firmware coding, please. Example: SIP75.9-3-1-1S What does 1S mean in the above example? Likewise there are a lot of firmware version out there would like to understand the terminology. Any document will help. Thanks i...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-07-2015 11:36 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-24-2019 01:08 AM
Posts 473
Total Helpful Votes Received 37
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