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Member since ‎09-07-2018

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Hi Everyone:  I am trying to figure out a Consider If Formula for an Agent ID/Peripheral Number associated with a Skill Group. Basically, I am trying to queue to an agent, and if my agent is not available, I want to queue to a skill group this agent ...
Hi everyone: On the Finesse Desktop layout, I see the live data report for Agent, but how do I view the ‘Agent Name All Fields’ live data report? The link below from the desktop layout can be modified? Any other solution? I want individual agents who...
Hello, I am getting the invite from carrier with +1 on the SIP-Req-URI/From/TO fields etc. I need remove the +1 and keep the remaining digits. For example, see below. I want to remove +1 and keep the remaining. What will be the best way to handle the...
Are there any stock reports available that shows the wrap up codes for UCCE 12 CUIC? Any recommendations on how to create this report? 
We have enabled SSO for our Finesse 12.0 environment, and we are using Chrome Browser. At the end of the shift, if agents close their browser after signing out properly, the next day, the agents will have to enter their AD credentials again. If they ...
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Member Since ‎09-07-2018 11:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-06-2021 02:15 PM
Posts 29
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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