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Member since ‎03-29-2007

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I have created a lab using Packet Tracer to see if I can connect multiple EIGRP AS together and having a few issues.  The goal is to have West Ridge Hippos and Portland Maverick Riders show information for routing using their own managed EIGRP. If t...
I have a cisco 501 pix IOS version 6.3.5 and have a IPSEC client VPN tunnel setup and I have no problems connecting to the network. But I would like to to use Cisco IP Communicator so that I can receive and make calls like I was in the office. Is it ...
I am have problems connecting to my webpage (NAT) after setting up VLANing of my network. I have a PIX515 that is connected to a 4507 switch. I have everything VLANed off at the 4507 and divided off into10.20.0.0 /20 subnets. -
I am studying for the BCMSN and have a question about VoIP and trunking.I see that when you have an Access port you should add lines:mls qos trust device cisco-phonemls qos trust cosauto qos voip cisco-phoneDo I need to add anything of these to the t...
Ok this is a weird problem. My Cisco phones at random times (days or weeks)and random phones (different buildings) are getting a data vlan IP address.The phones are still up and when a user can receive (phone rings) and callother extensions but when ...
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Member Since ‎03-29-2007 05:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 72
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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