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Cisco CyberSecurity


Forum Posts

I added a new spoke. For some reason, I'm getting stuck with the NHRP State (show dmvpn) Spoke2 Tunnel Configuration:interface Tunnel0description mGRE - DMVPN Tunnelbandwidth 10000ip address ip redirectsip mtu 1400ip nhrp a...

I'm starting to look at providing different policies from our Remote Access VPN to users. Using ASA 5555-X running 9.14(2)15.Setting a connection alias works fine, I get a dropdown list in the AnyConnect client and the different tunnel policies work ...

Resolved! DHCP for VPN

I have users VPN from the outside currently i use a address pool. but i want to use the DHCP server instead. I have a test lab setup useing a asa5510 and a 3750 as the dhcp server. the interface between them are trunked: 3750: vlan4, vlan 5 ...

Hi,I have an ipsec route based site to site VPN however the ipsec SA's look incorrect and only include a subset of routes passing across it. We have a hub and spoke setup, the hub site has one route based VPN to our remote office (Spoke A), traffic p...

I have setup lab with DVTI Tunnels in Hub and Spoke topology as below   CSR1 is the Hub and CSR2 & CSR4 are the spokes. The Tunnel are configured with IP on CSR1 and on CSR2 and on CSR4. 1) I am unable to ping th...


I'm testing Downloadable Access-lists on a RA-VPN setup But can't seem to get the dACL to be attached to the clients connections. I cannot seem to find a config-guide that explains to me a setup on the Firepower, or if the Firepower just is supposed ...

Hello everyone, I got my CCNP SCOR last week and want to go for CCNP VPN 300-730 concentration exam as the next step but I can't find any material for that. Is there any book or material which I can use for learning? Thank you in advance!