Hi,I would like to get the "Grand total bytes" output from the following command using powertool on the FI'sNXOS shell: # show platform fwm mem-stats details | no-moreis it possible to achieve this?
I have 6332 FIs and network uplink is 40 Gbps ports that configured as breakout ports and connected 1 of the 4 ports to 10 Gbps upstream port on Cisco 7K switches.
I'm able to show cdp neighbor by SSH. But cannot get any output by PowerTool command G...
Hi Team -
I've registered the UCS vcenter plugin and everything seems fine. After restarting the web client service I also see the event logs that shows the process was successful. But in the web client I can not see UCS Plugin icon.
I see the pl...
I have downloaded and installed the latest version of USCPE 212 (the VM).But i cant figure out how to import my ASA configuration.can someone give me a brief lesson or point me to a tutorial?Thanks -James
Looking for help on how to Set Fault Suppression on a Service Profile in UCS with Start Time and Duration.I can add one using Add-UcsFaultSupression cmdlet but unsure of how to set Start Time and duration.Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Hello all.I am trying to use the UCS XML API to retrieve the health status of a blade. The XML request I'm using is: <configResolveChildren inDn="sys/chassis-1/blade-1" inHierarchical="false" cookie="1531708258/f8db41e4-c408-4126-bb27-5b75a1...
Hello!I am trying to Make a PS Skript to change the boot order for a C-Server (standalone).In fact i would like to "press" F6 "automatically", so in fact change the boot order on the rackserverI have server with usb stick on it with the boot image. N...
I've been using the UCS Health Check script for some time now. Historically, it's worked great and I get output in about an hour even for our largest UCS installations. Lately though, since updating to 3.x from 2.x versions, it takes 9 or more hours ...
Hello All,I found this great script by Jeff Silberman that performs an extensive UCS Health Check. I've attached the script for reference. The question I have is I have been trying to modify it so that I can execute it on mulitple UCS domains at on...
Some of the service desk agents are having issues with their CIPC. When in a call on their Queue line, example 566061 for Jarrel , and the backline rings in (144050), it drops the active call that he was on with on his queue line (backline is still r...
Hi everyone. I am trying to create a boot policy using PowerTool Suite (version and am having difficulty finding the commandlet/option to add just the SD Card. I am able to add the policy fine, but I cannot find where to add the SD Card for...
Hi,I'm getting started with overcloud deployment using RH OSP 12 and running into this error when attempting to start introspection against UCS Manager.Do you have a recent playbook and/or guidelines on getting around this certificate issue using sel...
Hello Team , Is there any out of the box integration available with Oracle ZFS Storage device ?For basic operational tasks If not can we create Custom UCSD flows triggering javascripts on the appliance http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storag...
Hi All,Can anyone help me through Cisco UCS healthchecks?I have gone through the "UCS_Health_Check_Offline_v2.3" script but it is not working in my environment as i am not able to connect to UCS machine through that script. Would request you to pleas...