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Connection Tone on UCCE AutoAnswer

Level 1
Level 1

We have just moved from using Auto-Answer in the CUCM to using Auto-Answer in UCCE and agents are complaining that they no longer get a beep in their ear (Connection Tone?) when a call comes through.

Is there any setting in UCCE to configure this?

7 Replies 7

Chintan Gajjar
Level 8
Level 8

as per my knowledge, the connect tone is only available  when you configure auto answer on phone with headset. ucce does not play zip tones when autoanswer is enabled in ADS.

Hi Chintan,

How about Tone on Connect in CUCM Service Parameters? If we enable that and Auto-Answer in ICM, will it play the tone or that won't work either?



You didn't mention if these were regular agents or mobile agents, just on the off chance that they are mobile agents, you need to do this:

Hi Bill,

These are regular Agents I am talking about. But I found my answer for Tone On Connect feature. If we enable Auto-Answer in ICM and need to play a tone on connect we can enable it in CUCM Service Parameters. It will affect all Phones (except SIP Phones) will play Tone on Connect. 

Only problem with this setup is that it doesn't work with SIP Phones as this feature is not supported on SIP Phones. It only works for SCCP Phones. So if Agents are using SIP phones will not be helpful.



I have a customer looking for similar functionality.  I confirmed through testing on a CUCM 12.5 server, that the "Tone on Connect" Callmanager service parameter only works on SCCP phones. So this is some legacy feature and is not clarified in the documentation. In fact it is listed in the service parameters under "Clusterwide H.323" section.  My 7965 phone when the DN is set to autoanswer, would beep when answering.   8841 phone line when set to autoanswer would not beep.  Interestingly enough, Webex App CUCM softphone would beep on autoanswer regardless of this setting.

We've had luck when the phone itself (not just the agent desk setting) is set to auto answer to get a tone.
Also, in UCCE 12.6 there's a setting in the agent desk settings to "Play zip tone" under auto answer. I haven't experimented with that yet though.
Please see if either of those gives you what you need.


If you are open to 3rd party solutions then "MARS Auto Answer"  application for Cisco can solve your requirement.
For more details you can write to