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Finesse Integration with 3rd Party ticketing system


We have UCCX 11.6 with Finesse desktop for call center. we also have separate ticketing system (OTRS) cloud hosted. Recently management want to integrate with ticketing system so that from IVR customer can select to open a new ticket or they can select to get information about existing ticket. After selection once call will be landed to Agent Finesse desktop, Agent will see the selection as well as a ticket will create automatically / shows all previous ticket information. 

Really appreciate if guide me how we can achieve this.


Thanks & Regards,

Muzammel Haque

10 Replies 10

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



1. Is your ticketing system browser based? If so, can it be loaded in an iframe? Can it accept search queries as part of the url?

  -> If yes to the above, you can use the EmbeddedWebAppSampleGadget.

2. Does your ticketing system have APIs to open a ticket or search for and get the existing ticket?

  -> If no to #1 and yes too #2, you can use the ExternalRestApiSampleGadget as a base and build a custom gadget to call the APIs to do what you need.




Hi Denise,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, ticketing system (OTRS) is browser based but not sure about iframe. It supports html query.

It supports REST API to open the tickets as well. I assume we can send html query from UCCX scrip to get ticket information and also send instruction to open a new ticket but once call will be landed to agent we also want all ticket related information to be displayed in the Finesse agents desktop.  

Do we need to develop a new agent desktop application or we can use finesse to present customer ticket information using Gadget?


Thanks & Regards,

Muzammel Haque




Is there a REST API to get the ticket information? If so, you can use the existing Finesse Agent desktop and create a custom gadget that will call the REST API and get the ticket info. Then you can display that info however you want on the gadget with HTML.


You will want to use the ExternalRestAPISampleGadget as a base.




Hi Denise,

Yes Ticketing system has REST API to get the ticket information. below is expected call flow 

IVR flow:

1. call at IVR

2. press 1 to open a new ticket, press 2 for existing ticket

Press 2=> enter ticket number (exam: 2250) => IVR send 2250 to ticketing system=>call lands to agent desktop with ORTS page with ticket (2250) information.

Press 1=> IVR=> OTRS assign a ticket number => get back to IVR with new ticket number (exam:2251)=> call to agent with new ticket info.


1. can we use UCCX server to upload Gadget or need a separate server?

2. what type of programming skill is required to develop custom gadget

in this way will call / ticket /customer info display in the same finesse desktop or will open a new web page?


Thanks & Regards,

Muzammel Haque



1. can we use UCCX server to upload Gadget or need a separate server?

2. what type of programming skill is required to develop custom gadget

in this way will call / ticket /customer info display in the same finesse desktop or will open a new web page


#1 Yes, you can use the UCCX/Finesse server to host the gadget. You first need to enable the 3rdpartygadget account (!password-for-3rdpartygadget-account). Then take a look at this documentation:!upload-third-party-gadgets. A separate server is always an option too though.


#2 It depends how simple or complicated you want your custom gadget to be. Some folks build some very slick gadgets which will require more advanced HTML and JavaScript skills. If not, just basic HTML and JavaScript skills.


For this scenario you describe, there are a few routes:

1) Load the ticketing system webpage within a gadget on Finesse. You need to check if the ticketing system's webpage can be embedded in an iframe. There are a lot of iframe checkers online that will tell you if its possible or not. If it is possible, use the EmbeddedWebAppSampleGadget.

2) If #1 is not possible, you can always open the ticketing system's webpage with the ticket loaded in another tab/window. You can do this without a custom gadget via the workflows.

3) If #1 and #2 isn't what you want and you want the ticket information within the Finesse desktop, then you can use call the ticket system's REST APIs to get the information within a custom gadget. You can use the ExternalRestAPISampleGadget as a base.




Hi Denise,

Thanks for your excellent reply. 

I have some understanding now to start.

I just checked and understood that ticketing system supports iFrame.

As you mentioned that ticketing system web-page will be shown within a gadget on Finesse in case of iframe, is it mean that original ticketing system page that agent/customer see after login will be shown in the finesse in a separate tab or below?

If so how ticketing system will authenticate use account? 


For REST API integration, will all the ticketing system information be shown in a custom field in the same finesse page?


Thanks & Regards,

Muzammel Haque




As you mentioned that ticketing system web-page will be shown within a gadget on Finesse in case of iframe, is it mean that original ticketing system page that agent/customer see after login will be shown in the finesse in a separate tab or below?

It is up to you how you want to have it. You can open the ticketing system in a separate tab with the search query url or you can create a gadget that has an iframe and load the url. In this second option, the ticket system webpage will be on the same window as the agent desktop. 



If so how ticketing system will authenticate use account? 

The agent will have to type in the credentials the first time after they log into the agent desktop. Think of it as if the agent opens their browser and loads up the url. Everything that they will need to do will need to be done here.



For REST API integration, will all the ticketing system information be shown in a custom field in the same finesse page?

It depends if the REST API from the ticket system gives you all of the info and how much info you want to display on the custom gadget.





It sounds like you're wanting to create an IVR to allow callers to both hear and open tickets. You'll need to use Call Studio to create your script.
Then, depending on how you connect to your ticketing system, you'll need to customize the IVR to allow the ticketing operations. Is it a database, webservice, or code library? Do you have an existing IVR?

Your are right we want to create an IVR to allow callers to both hear and open tickets plus ticket information be displayed to the Finesse agent desktop once call landed to agent.

we already have IVR (Cisco UCCX) and want to integrated IVR with Ticketing system + Finesse with ticketing system.

Ticketing system is ORTS that is web based.



Muzammel Haque

Level 1
Level 1

Hello Muzammel,

Were you able to integrate the applications? If yes, could you please shed some light on this as i have the same project that needs to be handled.