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Max number of variables in action exceeded error in Finesse while invoking webservice


I am getting Max number of variables in action exceeded error in Finesse while invoking web service in workflow.If Input parameters are less than 5 its working fine.In Cisco links i do see there is a limitation of 5 parameters.currently we are 11.6.1 version, would like to know if there is any patch with new ES to pass more parameters or a change in registry to pass more parameters is available option with existing version?Any help/info is really appreciated.

19 Replies 19

I've ran into this before and the answer was see if you can combine the parameters and break them up on the receiving end or your out of luck.



Thanks a lot David for your quick response.Have you tried invoking webservice from gadget with more than 5 parameters? My plan was to verify whether we can invoke using gadget with more than 5 paramters? If you have any code can you please share?

Yeah, I've tried and it's not possible. My recommendation of combining them is your best bet.



Hi David, Thanks for your responses on this issue.You are saying even if we write custom gadget with more than 5 parameters we still get 'Max number of variables in action exceeded' error due to limitation from cisco?So only option is to combine? Did cisco TAC say anything, if not i plan to open case?

I didn't open a case so it might make sense to get official word, but this has been a limitation for a while so I don't see them changing it. Please update the thread based on what Cisco says.



Sure David.I have opened case will update once i get final outcome.



What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to update more than 5 call variables via a workflow?





I am trying to pass more than 5 input parameters in a webservice request which is throwing error.If input paramteres are less than 5 then webservice is invoked but when i try to add additional parameters getting attached error.Please let me know if you have any questions,




Is this an external (non-Finesse) webservices request? If so, you can make a custom gadget to send a raw http request. You can put as many parameters you want in there. Here is a sample gadget making an exteral rest api request:


When making a custom gadget, you will need to write code to trigger on the workflow condition.




Thanks Denise.I am trying to invoke external webservice using with below changes in gadget and still have issues to invoke.Do you have any idea what is causing this?Any help is appreciated.


handleNewDialog = function(dialog) {



        // Call the REST API and display the results

        //SM -- var url = "http://finesseFQDN:8082/finesse/api/SystemInfo";

           var url = "WEBSERIVCE URL";

        //var contentBody = "<User><state>READY</state></User>";

        makeRequest(url, {

            //SM --- method: 'GET',

                                                method: 'POST',

            //authorization: _util.getAuthHeaderString(finesse.gadget.Config),

            contentType: 'application/xml',

            content: <?xml version="1.0"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:soapenv="">


                                                <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">


                                                <wsse:Password Type="">password </wsse:Password>





                                                <p735:Request xmlns:p735="">








        }, {

            success: handleResponseSuccess,

            error: handleResponseError,


Your content needs to be escaped. You cannot have xml formatted that way in a JS file.

Thanks Denise.We have resolved this issue and working fine with workflow itself.

Hello smeegada1


Can you please give us more details for your solution?

We are on same page and this is answer from TAC:


Unfortunately, I checked internally and there is no alternative for this.

Finesse only supports 5 variables per action.

We can open an enhancement request based on the customer needs so Finesse can support more variables in the future. However, please note that an enhancement request will be only considered for future Finesse releases and it will take a while until it is implemented.



Your help will be appreciated.





Hi Slobodan, 

 Try dynamically building the webservice paramaters(with shorter name) and passing it to FromEXT ECC variable(length 100). This will build the webservice request with less input varibales.

Let me know if you need more info.

