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Replies and UCCX script


is there anyone that can point me in a good direction to get the salesforce/uccx integration working?

I have the attached document as a starting point, and am able to create workflows.

The issue I have this that I have no experience with Java methods, which looks to be necessary to retrieve the correct custome specific "hash" from SFDC.

Can anyone help, or provide a basic aef that implements such a Java method  - which I can use as baseline to build upon?

any help is more than welcome,

Kind regards,


11 Replies 11

Level 4
Level 4

You need to be able to code it to create the Java class/methods and then use UCCX to execute/trigger them. There are several discussion on "custom java class".



Hi JT,

thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, I have no experience coding Java - but when time permits I will try to look up some examples to get an idea.



Hi Juan

Were you able to resolve the issues you were having?  I am trying to do the same thing at the moment and the documentation does seem to be very light.

Does anyone have some direction for me please?

I am using CCX 8.5 Premium.  We have got it doing the basic screen pop using CAD but want to provide more detail information regarding the unique Salesforce unique record id based on the customer account number.


Hi Tony,

unfortunately: no; time is not on my side as workload is bit too high to start delving into a new/unknown topic

It's the coding of the java into the script that is unknown to me, I'm not sure this is documented very well in some uccx document - when time permits I will try to figure it out.

If someone else can point me/us in the good direction that would be appreciated of course !



Hi Juan

I need to get this working as a matter of urgency, so I will keep you in the loop once I have got it running.  I have got the java code that i think it is required.


Hello Everybody,

was anyone able to get the custom java class that Cisco is providing for free when sending an email to

i've sent an email to the previous address as mentioned in the manual but i got a message delivery failure.

Thanks in advance,

Please find the sample java code attached.



Thank You for posting the sample java as I received an undeliverable to also.  I am unfamiliar with how to implement java script in the CCX script fully and also am looking for guidance on the following statement in the document.

"This method then calls the query() method of the SoapBindingStub Class to execute the actual query."

Am I also looking for an additional java script example?

When the ccx script is complete will all of the java code be contained in the ccx script or is it necessary to upload other files to the ccx server.  Do you have a sample .aef script that just works as an example.  Any help would be appreciated very much.



Hello, Tony:

I am working on the project doing exactly the same thing and I only have 10 days. Have you figured this out and made it work?



About 18 month ago I had a detailed look at this area. The correct way to do this is to download the WSDL file from your SFDC and compile it up into the Java using something like the Apache Axis 2.

If you create a .jar file you can upload it to CCX and call it direct from your script. I did get this to work on CCX7 but the enhanced security on CCX 8 stopped it working, I believe that is now fixed.

Luckily for me the customer decided not to proceed with SFDC. I spent a lot of time on this and it was a major struggle to get it to work.

The sample posted above in the pdf file is designed to be complied up and run on the PC and then called from CAD and not your script.

It is a shame that Cisco dropped the CCX SFDC connector as it was very good at passing in the ANI/CLI and anything else you had collected in the script such as an account number. It also did a good click to dial from your contacts page on SFDC but the show stopper was the Agents disappearing from the Supervisor screen.

Try some searching around SFDC, WSDL and Java, there should be some help on the SFDC forums.

Good luck


Has anybody has any luck getting better information and maybe even getting it to work? I had used the Connector a couple of years ago but it has been discontinued and was curious what else is available.

Also looking for non-UCCX integration to

