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UCCX Facebook Messenger Integration

James Hawkins
Level 8
Level 8


I have UCCX 11.6.2 with SocialMiner and have successfully set up Classic Chat and Bubble Chat allowing people on the Internet to chat to CCX agents.

I now want to set up the new Facebook Messenger integration and am struggling to understand some of the settings required under the UCCX Subsystems > Chat and Email > Chat - Facebook Messenger page.


The first section of this page asks for a Facebook Access Token (I have this) and HTTP proxy server - see below.



I do not understand what this proxy server is used for. Is it an outbound proxy for UCCX or for SocialMiner or is it inbound?

At the moment when I click the Validate button I get a Network Connectivity Failed response when I hover over the red cross (I  removed the Token before taking the screenshot). It is difficult to troubleshoot without understanding what the system is tryng to do!


The second issue is CallBack URL setting in the Webhooks Update in Facebook section.

smfb2.PNG This is a read only field in UCCX - it has to be entered in the Callback URL on the Facebook app page - should this just be edited to replace <PUBLIC_HOST> with the public FQDN of the SocialMiner server?

The documentation for this configuration is pretty sparse.

Has anyone managed to get this working yet?


11 Replies 11

Anthony Holloway
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Yeah, I hear you, this does seem a bit sparse on the information side of things, and it doesn't help that a voice person needs to understand proxies, APIs, firewalls, access tokens, and the like.

You may be best off with Cisco TAC, unless you get lucky and someone replies here who actually knows how this works.

For the Proxy question, there is a line in the SRND (and a graphic) which states:
"SocialMiner should only need to access a proxy server if it sits behind a corporate network firewall and has to use an http or https proxy server for accessing an outside network."

For the callback URL, I would think it's what you said: the public FQDN to reach SM.

Make sure you have read the official documentation:
UCCX Admin Guide

Watched the presentations and from the 2018 US Cisco Live:
Introduction to Planning, Design & Troubleshooting Unified Contact Center Express 11.6 - BRKCCT-2035
Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Update and Roadmap - BRKCCT-1011

And last but not least, use DevNet sandbox or dCloud environments, with a fake Company Facebook page, to test this out.

Good luck!

Hi guys,


How does it working?


Could please share the documentation here. I will realy appreciate.


Thank you 

Daniel Sobrinho

Thanks Anthony,

I did as you suggested and contacted TAC who have supplied a config document.

The proxy setting is an outbound proxy for SocialMiner.

The callback URL is the public address of the SocialMiner server.

I have not managed to complete the config as I am waiting for the customer to make some firewall changes. I will update the thread when I have had a go at the config.



I have read that Cisco is declaring an end of support for Social Miner integration with Facebook from Aug 2018.


Cisco have removed the older Facebook integration which would allow you to monitor posts on a Facebook fan page and respond (they also pulled the ability to search Twitter for a string relevant to your company).


The Facebook Messenger integration is new in 11.6.2 and allows customers to message agents via Facebook Messenger - this is a different (and probably better) thing.


I am hoping that Cisco expand this functionality in later versions to support WhatsApp etc.

I still have not got the FB Messenger functionality working yet as the customer has not allowed the SocialMiner Server access to the required FB sites.


I will post an update if/when I get it working.





Hello James,

Did you manage it to work?

Does SocialMiner need a dedicated public IP?

Thank you.


Hi Lara,

Unfortunately I did not manage to get this working. The end customer did not make the required changes to their infrastructure by the time the project closed and as it was a "nice to have" rather than core functionality I did not get to complete it.

Hello James,
Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate this.
Which changes the customer refused to make? and regarding my question about SM, does it require a dediacted public IP?
Best regards,

It doesn't require a dedicated public IP. You can put it in the DMZ or maybe behind a reverse proxy and it should be the same outcome as almost having a public IP.



There was a bug that was preventing me from actually getting this implemented and it came down to the certificate chain not being the correct length. According to SocialMiner 12.0.1 ES02, the fix is included. I’ll be implementing this at some point in the near future. Wish me luck!


We already develop Connector with integration with WhatsApp and other messengers (twitter, telegram , facebook, wechat, etc). 

We can also propose WhatsApp Business Account subscription. 


We can also propose an optional NLP Chatbot. 

you can find details here: