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Level 4
Member since ‎10-04-2013

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Hello, We will be installing new EXP C & E version X14.2 for MRA use only. Checking the Smart Account and the BoQ, couldn't find any licenses related to the Expressways. In this case, can the EXP-C and EXP-E server register to the smart account? Than...
Hello, Is it feasible to use the CUCM Web Dialer feature over Expressway to embed the URL into a cloud application? Thank you in advance for any help. Regards,
Hello, This regarding a CVP environment version 12.0We have a Call Studio script that includes a database element.Sometimes, the connection to the database is getting closed (from CVP to the database created under AW) as per the below error. Please f...
Hello, This regarding a CVP environment version 12.0We have a Call Studio script that includes a database element.Sometimes, the connection to the database is getting closed (from CVP to the database created under AW) as per the below error. Please f...
Hello, anyone can recommend a TPIN Management System to be integrated with Cisco UCCX within the IVR? Thanks in advance for any help  
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-04-2013 04:20 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-17-2024 01:09 AM
Posts 461
Total Helpful Votes Received 66