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Hi there. Please, could you tell me if it's possible to get an ACI's backup by an API REST call an save it as a .tar.gz file in my local PC? I read that It is possible by an Ansible playbook, but what about an API REST call using ACI-Toolkit? Thanks ...

Hi Team,To manage Cisco ACI using ansible do we need to some integration with ansible or only SSH is enough to manage. I am new to cisco ACI so please provide this information that will save my time. Thank you.

Hi everyone,  I am just studying for DevNet Associate exam and I am currently trying out DC Automation with Python. So i downloaded ACIToolkit and imported it into my script. I can list tenants, EPGs you name it... However when I try to list endpoint...

Nik1709 by Level 1
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Hi, we wrote ansible script to create 200 vlan pool in ACI APIC, but execution is too slow. it take more than one hour to finish the job! With postman it take 2 minutes to create 200 vlan pool. how can we improve ansible time execution?  

mzouggagh by Level 1
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Hi@all,i make an update of my APIC-EM to version 1.2 and my Smartphone App can connect to the APIC but there are no entries in the App. Is it plan to update the App or any workaround?I am using this to push Configs via Bootstrap to the Switches.Thank...

Hi All, Am new to cisco aci automation using ansible. i am using windows 11 and installed WSL (ubuntu). then, then installed python and ansible. I got an error when i execute the below command . Please help on how to fix this issue. how can we access...

vijays19 by Level 1
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Hi,I found one problem in acitoolkit acibaseobject currently working on cable plan application, and noticed that target node is not same format as node in for loop. List self._parent.get_children(Node) have nodes names rather then nodes numbers so ea...

Recently, we performed a migration where we decommissioned our old N7K (network switch) and moved all devices to ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure).   The task involved moving the existing OTV (Overlay Transport Virtualization) router from its ...

freemen810 by Level 1
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