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VOIP dont work when call to Inter office

We have office in AUS , and previously if want to call AUS, need to key in 8 6101 xxxx (4 extension of Aus)

Currently it is not working.
When i dial, it showing like this . Why ya ? and how can i check. My CUCM side or Aus side ?


10 Replies 10

Run DNA and you will come to know the flow..

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George Sotiropoulos
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


You could check this with various ways: Initially, you can check on your CUCM under Administration Page-> Call Routing -> Route Plan Report -> Search "Pattern or Uri Begins with 86" and under this result (if for example you get a Route Pattern of 86! or 86XXXXXXX), check if under "Called Party Transformations" you have a Prefix Digits (outgoing calls) of 888.

Or, you can login to UCMPIPADDRESS/dna and run a test to identify you your call is manipulated (call-flow). 


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i have check on the route pattern of 86101.! , there is no prefix outbound 888.. and also i did DNA, it shown as below.



So looks like you’re sending 4357 as the called number over the ICT to the Australian CM. What do you get if you do a DNA for the trunk as the calling entity on the AUS CM?

Could it be as simple as the receiver has a CFA set to the number you see in Jabber?

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How do test DNA . trunk as calling party ?
can only key in extension or Jabber ext ?

There is no translation pattern that translate 888XXXXXXXXX

You can select the trunk in DNA.4357 has any CFA enabled ?



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OK i did the same. Select Trunk, choose ICT_AUS trunk, using my 2001 ext calling AUS ext 4357. 

i believe the result it much the same outcome.


You need to do DNA on  AUST CUCM ?


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Not related to the question at hand, but it looks like you use H323 for your ICT trunk(s). Any particular reason for why you don’t use SIP for the ICT trunk(s)?

About the DNA, as you pass the short 4 digit number on to the AUS CM that’s what you would need to use as the called number when you do the DNA for the trunk on the AUS CM. Not the longer prefixed number as you have in the picture.

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