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Looking for anyone that might have a clue in on this, im attempting to configure a pair of routers to use WCCP to redirect HTTP and HTTPS traffic to two content keeper devices. The network im building is going to be used for a guest internet connecti...

I have two ASA 5505 devices that I am using for a site-to-site VPN. When I went to the remote site, I was able to connect everything and had it working until about two weeks ago. This was about 3 weeks after the install. Here are the results from "sh...

Resolved! ASA 8.4 Bug?

Hello, I came up accross a weird situation when I was trying to apply a self signed cert to my SSL_VPN group as a test.Here is what I came accross...the command that I needed to use was "trust-point self" under my SSL_VPN group.[code=..]tunnel-group ...

hi everyone,unable to connect to device on port are logs: %ASA-6-302013: Built inbound TCP connection 69552007 for X:172.x.x.x/64755 (172.x.x.x/64755) to Y:172.x.x.x/27000 (172.x.x.x/27000)%ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 69550694 fo...

mahesh18 by Level 6
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Hi All,My syslog is full of %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside:---- by access-group "inbound-acl" messages.  I did not configure an explict deny for the access list to log these denies.Can someone explain how I can disable logging of denied connecti...

vincehgov by Level 1
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If I configure an ASA, let's say the g0/1 port with a static ip address of and assign it to the inside network, make g0/0 my outside connection, my question is if I have 2 workstations which will have a static ip address on the 192.168.1....

mjsully by Level 1
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Hi guys I have some problem to get working ACLs. The main purpose of this ACLs is to control what is going out from vlan to internet. (For example, i want that only my proxy can access to the web.) So, i use Cisco Packet Tracer and test new rules in ...

gmerot by Level 1
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Hi all  I am using a FWSM firewall  and have set up a Dynamic  policy  to PAT   a  /8  network  into a /30  network... Problem I see is that the PAT is only using the first address in the pool for mulitple connections ,  I need it to use all 4 availa...

normbeef by Level 1
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