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Forum Posts

Hello,I don't find the info about what are the defaul connection parameters for ASA 8.0 or above when you don't define any Class-map. So For default connection which are the default value like:Max TCP/UDP connection & TimeoutsMax Embryonic Conn & Tim...

helenio by Level 1
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Hi All,I have currently configured ASA Phone proxy using non secure mode and it seems to be dying when trying to establish an SSL connection with the client.I have configured it exactly in accordance to the example in the configuration guide for 8.0 ...

akhayat by Level 1
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Hi All,In middle of configuring a Pix 501 for VPN. I have running a few VPN's Site to Site and can terminate a Client to Site VPN with no issue. I am having problems getting the Client to Site to initiate a User Username and Password Challenge when V...

In my internal network a PC need connect by vpn with one peer in external network for access to aplication in other company.The tecnical support say me that i need configure access to ip external.IPSec ESP (IP protocol number 50)ISAKMP / Oakley (IP ...

Hi All, we are using ASA 510 as firewall and there is sonicwall behind the ASA 510 as VPN device. I need to allow IPSec traffic through ASA to terminate to Sonicwall. if there is any document to show how to configure this scenario, I'll be very appre...

This morning, as a test, I did the following:ASA internal ip address: address: set the workstation's DNS server as the ASA I did:static (outside,inside) udp interface 53 53 netmask

All,I have about 100 servers in a DMZ. We did our 2nd phase firewall test this weekend, and I found out that all of the servers in the DMZ are set to look at the firewall's DMZ interface for DNS. The old firewall was a Symantec SGS that did DNS forwa...

Dear AllI have 2 ASA in failover mode Active/Standby. When the failver becomes up I saw the below message:Failover LAN became OKSwitchover enabled State check detected an Active mateBeginning configuration replication from mate.vPif_getVpif: b...

amady3381 by Level 1
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