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You might get an faster answer about Services, Support, and PSIRT APIs and the API Console there.

Forum Posts

Hi! I'm trying to access the BUG API and with client credentials. I got the token with client id and secret from cisco api console. With those, I'm able to get access token. Btw, I'm using Postman. Added token  as part of the header    Authorization:...

mtupuri by Cisco Employee
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Hello,  I got 403 Access Denied when access CSAPI.I can access to service portal and have been granted as API developer. And, my application added the two APIs csapi-customer and csapi-alerts. I do a get from postman

shshao by Level 4
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Hi, I'm developing an application that accesses service request cases by contract id and the API allows me to filter data by the date_created_from/date_created_to.  So if i use this request today:

rymille2 by Cisco Employee
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hi. I've have a question about OpenVul   advisory = client.get_by_ios('ios', "12.1(11)EA1")for a in advisory:    print(a.advisory_id)     response: cisco-sa-20170317-cmpcisco-sa-20190327-cmp-doscisco-sa-20180926-cmpcisco-sa-20180926-vtpcisco-sa-20170...

a.alexeev by Cisco Employee
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Hi Support, I cant find option for query_client for NX-OS. The options are below;get_by_ios_xeget_by_iosget_by_product for get_by_product can somebody help to provide sample of argument?I tried putting 'N5K-C5672UP' but it gives me error as below.No ...

angelest by Level 1
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Hello all, I am trying to extract from SNTC a list of SN's and IP's  based on a PID.  However it dosen't look like that feature is available. The use case here is to dynamically populate a CMDB.   Please let me know if you have any insight to the Sup...

jameslo by Cisco Employee
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