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Forum Posts

GentlemenI'm facing some doubts regarding a project I'm responsible. We have 4 nexus 5596UP and 4 FEX. Each pair of Nexus are located in different datacenter. Each pair of Nexus in the same datacenter is connected to 2 FEX in a dual-homed way. Each N...

Hello,Have anyone encountered this message being spammed in the loggs? Aug  8 09:37:36: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty0Aug  8 09:38:28: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty0Aug  8 09:39:18: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from...

Hi, I need your help. I am trying to purchase 2 4900M switches for our DC but I'm a little stymied by the part 4900M-X2-CVR.How many do I need (if any at all)? Config is as below: Please help.Part NumberDescriptionQtyWS-C4900MBase system with 8 X2 po...

Resolved! Add Vlan access

I was able to do this before but forgot what the command is to do it.I don't make changes to the switches often so I forget the commands I dont use regularly.We have a catalyst 4500 Level 3 switch as our main switch. It has all the vlans and everythi...

HI everyone    our two 6509 configured VSS , standby box SUP crashed at mid night and not came back online itself,remain in ROMMON.   we found at same time , one upstream switch  has two interfacesconnect to this two box seperatly, this two interface...

fly by Level 2
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We are having some troubles with files opening very slow and outlook being extremely delayed so i started to look into our network ran a sh proc cpu his and here are the result are below. we have 2 VLans and no ACLs. I am seeing the Hulc LED Process ...

JPCPIA130 by Level 1
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Resolved! ip dns server

Hi,  Came across this command on our 3925 router.ip dns server The router isn't hosting any DNS services. Is it alright to disable it?

We have two Cisco 7609 routers (CISCO7609 - not the "S" model) each with two 6000 watt power supplies installed. Both run IOS ver 12.2(33)SRD4. We are limited to this version due to a FWSM module installed in both routers.One of the four 208V power i...

jschmied by Level 1
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Dear All, We installed cat3k_caa-universalk9.SPA.03.03.00.SE.150-1.EZ.bin IOS version in our 3650-24TDS. We configured MAC ACL on each port, We are trying to add 1000+ permit lines for extended MAC ACL, when we are add more than 600 or 650 permit lin...

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