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CUAC compatibility with CUCM v14

Level 4
Level 4

I found this compatibility list for CUAC and CUCM deployments:

But under CUAC Advanced Compatibility with CUCM I cannot see the CUCM v14 and the CUACA v14 listed.

14 Replies 14



check out the compatibility matrix


There you see, that CUAC 14 is the recommended version for CUCM 14

Thanks, but this list does not indicate if CUCM v14 is compatible with older versions of CUAC Advanced.

Or if CUAC v14 is supported with older CUCM versions.

If this is not the case then I need to upgrade both at the same time causing some downtime for calls via the CUAC.


@b.winter wrote:


This is half of the answer right here.  CUACA 14 claims to be compatible with IM&P (and therefore CUCM) 11.0 and up, so it should be safe to upgrade CUACA first (unless your CUCM is older than 11).

And I think we can assume CUACA 12.0.2 isn't compatible with CUCM 14, although we don't really know that for sure since it's not documented.

Refer the Guide @b.winter shared.  CUCM 14 and CUACA 14 is compatible. 


Screenshot 2022-03-15 at 8.05.00 PM.png

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This still does not answer the original question

Which one do you have to upgrade first? Or do you have to upgrade both at the same time? @gfolens Did you ever find an answer?

I am doing the same thing for the full CSR14 suite or products, trying to figure out what order to upgrade in


I would argue it does, both need to be on v14 as the matrix does not list any other options.

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If you are planning CSR 14 upgrade both to 14.

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I agree with upgrading both as an end goal, but it would be much better if they could be planned at different times. If attendant 14 is compatible with cucm 12 then it would be preferred to do attendant first and then work on planning cucm.

However good or better it would be is irrelevant as it is not an option, both need to be on v14.

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My 2cents worth is that matrix is not gospel  (i used to think it was but have realised over the years that not much effort or research goes into it ) I've been looking at it for years and all they do for each new version of CSR is put the most recent version of each application even though quite often different versions work fine and are supported (ie Expressway / CUBE / CMS etc)

I've run CUACS V11 with CUCM 12.5 for years without issue (according to matrix not supported). Have also deployed different versions of CUACA with CUCM and never had issues (always only next version up or below and also use TSP from current CUCM version)

As CUACA upgrade usually requires deploying on new Windows OS I upgrade this first as its an easier rollback if there are issues (though never had any). Then when you upgrade CUCM - just requires a re-install of TSP on CAUCA server

nobody will ever deny, that combinations not listed in the matrix (and therefore "not-supported") won't work. Because there is a difference between "is working" and "is supported". In my opinion, "support" has nothing to with the technology as such. Just because something isn't supported anymore, it will not stop working. And I have seen a lot of people here mixing both things up.

The matrix and the infos from the release notes will only provide the info, what is supported.
Cisco cannot and will not test every combination of every server / application they have.
That's impossible and unnecessary. It just doesn't make sense to test a stoneage old version of server x with the newest version of server y.

Of course I completely agree. But just making sure that people don't treat the CSR Matrix as gospel when planning upgrades etc

Cisco, in my opinion, needs to come and and say they'll support +1,-1 model for CUAC - in other works they'll support the CUCM version above and below the version of CUAC. I've done several upgrades of very busy CUAC 24/7 environment where the new version of CUAC must be tested before upgrade. There is no other option but to deploy the new version with existing version of CUCM. This must be supported by Cisco officially in my opinion to help people plan upgrades

I've had to go against the official support to upgrade these environments which shouldn't have to be the case since it has worked for me everytime and I've even opened TAC cases and they have helped

Again just my 2 cents worth if it helps people



Hi, I've installed CUCM v14 and CUAC v14 on new instances. Only the existing CUAC clients have been upgrade to v14.