Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎02-11-2010

User Statistics

  • 74 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 65 Helpful votes Given
  • 20 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi All, I am currently in a setup of Hybrid Data Security on Webex Teams, involving 3x KMS.I already have a case open, but the engineer looks not understanding ...In fact, the KMS are configured with IP: a total un...
Hi there,   I am fighting with UCCX 11.5 to access the RISPort and Perfmon api for monitoring purposes. I wrote python scripts to get status of services, partitions and other detailed stuff for CUCM/IMP/Unity afterplaying a bit with the API documente...
Hi Team,   When using TMS 15.6.0 with a cluster of CMS 2.2.9, should we have to add only one CMS to the TMS or both? When adding CMS, as any bridge it asks to configure numeric id for scheduled conference. If I do so for the first CMS, it automatical...
Dear Community, I am trying to figure out the use of a Telepresence Conductor compared to directly managed TPS (TelePresence Server) with the TMS. I recently notice with 2 TPS behind one Conductor managed by a TMS, during a conference scheduled (in ...
Hi There, I am running TMS 15.0 and I was wondering if it is possible to receive the "ticket" from the ticketing services by email? From now I only see the Event Notification which are not the same and only concerns a few settings. The most importan...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-11-2010 01:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-20-2024 06:23 AM
Posts 74
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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