Frank Hoeben
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Member since ‎05-26-2004

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Hello all,I have an odd issue with inbound calls through a SIP trunk via CUBE to our CUCM.Calls that are cancelled before the phone has been picked up keep ringing until the phone has been picked up. Of course that results in a disconnect as the othe...
Is it possible to configure single number reach to not be available when a extension mobility profile is not logged on?We had hoped to use the Forward Unregistered feature on the phone line of the extension mobility profile for users that are not pre...
Situation: user answers phone, puts the caller on hold for 1 to 5 minutes, after resuming the call it disconnects, usually right after the caller hears the user say "thanks for waiting". The CDR log registers a cause "12" which means the caller hangs...
Hello all,   We recently installed a few CP-8845 phones with Sennheiser Bluetooth headsets. At first everything seemed to worked flawlessly however one particular feature doesn't seems to work.   When you warm-transfer a call the headset completely f...
One of my clients has an 'interesting' problem that probably can be solved with a translation pattern on the right dial-peer. I have tried a bit myself but obviously without the desired result. Let my describe the situation. 1 - Device 1 - old analo...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-26-2004 11:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-03-2023 02:07 AM
Posts 53
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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