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Member since ‎01-19-2022

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One of the Finesse supervisors runs the Agent Detail report every week. This supervisor is also an agent that takes calls. Her stats are on every report until last week. As of April 1st, all her stats are zero and even running the Login Logout Activi...
Is there a better way to assign a user to multiple system distribution lists?My current workflow:- Open voicemail #1 distribution list, add user- Open voicemail #2 distribution list, add user- etc, etc....9 times for any new call center employees.See...
CSCvw33485 - UCCX: "Error fetching filter info" when using resource groups for CSQsHow is this listed as "unreproducible"? It's very easy to reproduce. Also, it's 3 years old. Please fix it.Edit: Trying to post this in the "Cisco Bug Discussions" for...
Some agents, most but not all, are not getting the 2nd call control bar to appear when they are transferring a call.So they cannot use the Consult button at all because they never get the 2nd bar where they can complete the transfer.If they do a cold...
Please correct me if I'm wrong here, I'm deploying this for the first time. (I'm hoping that I'm wrong)I'm very disappointed in the lack of things a supervisor can do from the Finesse portal and can only be done by the UCCX admin.Specifically, a supe...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-19-2022 03:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-07-2024 09:29 AM
Posts 25
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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