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Member since ‎02-04-2004

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Hello I would like to know if someone configure a interface model VWIC2-2MFT-T1/E1 with more than one channel group, because I've read the data sheet that is possible a multchannel configuration, but I didn't find any example of this kind of configur...
Hello AllDoes anybody have a idea how to supress snmp and log events of a isdn pri interface, because I´ve executed the Cisco commands recomendation on the interface but doesn´t work because the NMS still recive a lot of snmp events of these pri inte...
Hello AllDoes anyone know something about a alternative or probably a Java fix to CW2K LMS 2.2 that bacame the CW2K LMS 2.2 clients works ok with new versions of Java Plug in ?ThanksMarcelo
Hello AllI working with the CW2K LMS 2.2 and the syslog messages of all routers, I understand that are stored on the /var/log/syslog_info, and the configurations about the storage options are configured to keep messges up to 14 days on CW2K and if I ...
HelloI need configure a controller SONET to operate on a SDH ring like a simgle 155 Mbps link.controller SONET 8/0/0 framing sdh clock source internalThe doubt is how to associate the IP interface on this connection ? Thanks Demetrio
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Member Since ‎02-04-2004 11:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-01-2024 06:36 AM
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