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Member since ‎11-10-2005

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I'm posting this as a "discussion," even though my issue has been resolved, to possibly help the next customer who is surprised by this and (maybe?) to get someone at Cisco to notice this. The UCCX 12.5(1) install/upgrade happens to install the Docke...
We are running Unity Connection 11.5. Using BAT I have exported the user database to see who is getting notifications of voice messages and/or missed calls. According to the documentation at https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/voice_ip_comm/connect...
I was wondering if someone could explain the inconsistencies in EOS/EOL dates for Unity Connection. Unity Connection 10.5 shows end of software maintenance releases in mid-2020, with end of support July 31, 2022. Yet a presumably more current version...
We are on UCCX, with all agents using Agent Desktop, not Finesse. Due to the IE 11 cipher issue, we need to apply SU2, Does anyone know if applying that upgrade requires a refresh of the Agent Desktop? We have users i...
We've started installing some new 3650 switches (replacing 3560's at the access layer) running XE 03.03.05SE. We've run into some problems as a result of "ip device tracking" being on by default, but in the process of debugging I've found that three ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-10-2005 06:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-14-2021 03:48 PM
Posts 96
Total Helpful Votes Received 35
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