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Member since ‎07-13-2001

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Hi, we're on ICM 7.5.9, and one thing we're seeing is that the agent reksilling website doesn't log users who successfully log in. I can see failed log in attempts in the Tomcat logs, but do not see IP address/user name/etc., for users who successful...
Is there a record written somewhere of when a Supervisor uses the Supervisor Desktop to make an agent available? I haven't been able to find anything yet, I know you can get some details in HDS for instance of when a Supe barges in on a call, but no ...
Has anyone received any type of formal notification re: end of support/end of sale/end of engineering for ICM 4.1.5? The Cisco website only refers to version 4.0.X but not 4.1.5 but I've heard that 4.1.5 is stopping 2/28/04. Anyone has heard this?
I'm looking to see if I can find anywhere what specific toll-free numbers was used in a translation route. We're finding that when troubleshooting it is hard to narrow which toll-free number may be having trouble. I checked TerminationalCallDetail an...
Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can find a log of "No free routes to send call to Translation Route (ID XXXX)" type of translation route errors? I did a SQL query of the Route_Call_Detail table, but all of the RouterErrorCodes listed ther...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-13-2001 01:37 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-13-2019 12:39 AM
Posts 85
Total Helpful Votes Received 7
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