Christopher Stock
Level 5
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Member since ‎03-29-2011

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No resolved in Model : Cisco Firepower 2110 Threat Defense (77) Version 6.6.0 (Build 90). Unbelievable that this will prevent a SSL certificate install when there is a device behind the FW that is using port 4500.  
How is it that the two leading provides cant talk basic SAML to each other. This has been talked about for years getting SSO working between Cisco UC gear and Azure. I get that there are other providers that do work but most orgs have Office 365 why ...
Hello,I was hoping someone might be able to help me out, I have a scenario where I need a button on a Cisco Phone where I can send DTMF tones after a call has been setup.I have tired the following on both IP Communicator and a 8845 but no joy?<CiscoI...
Hello,I have run into a scenario that i need to be able to send a hook flash command to a FXO port on an active call, call could be in either direction. What I need to be able to do is have the end user push the # key to start the hook flash dial ano...
Hello All,Does anyone know when or if there are plans for Cisco Jabber IM and or Jabber Voice for the new Blackberry 10 devices? Also is there any plans to support AnyConnect on these devices too.It always seems that blackberry users get forgotten ab...
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Member Since ‎03-29-2011 11:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-28-2022 06:58 AM
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Total Helpful Votes Received 25
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