Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎11-01-2002

User Statistics

  • 266 Posts
  • 10 Solutions
  • 27 Helpful votes Given
  • 136 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

The following equipement is in use:Cat 6506-E with SUP720-3B (redundant) and the WS-X6724-SFP line card. Setup:Cat6506 is connected via GigabitEthernet to SDH Equipment from Alcatel.SDH cloud provides 2 times VC4 Bandwidth 300MBit/s). On the other si...
Does somebody know if i do need to reset a bgp neighbor after i added an entry in the prefix-list to make the changes active. I know with route-maps a reset is needed but i am not sure anymore with the prefix-lists.Thanks for helpRoger
I got the problem that sometimes on incoming calls on to an IP Phone (7940/60) when i take the handsetthe call is not active on the handset. Via the Softkey "Answer" i could take the phone but only on the speaker.CCM is 3.3(3)sr 3Phoneload is P003050...
When i do a search in the corporate directory of the ip phone. If there is no entrie (empty search result) and i push the softkey "DIAL" the ip phone reboots after a short time.Does anybody have the same problem? And does somebody know about a fix or...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-01-2002 01:35 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-21-2023 12:46 AM
Posts 266
Total Helpful Votes Received 56
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