Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎09-06-2007

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  • 290 Posts
  • 6 Solutions
  • 80 Helpful votes Given
  • 159 Helpful votes Received
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50 Discussion Posts

User Activity

Hi I have setup as simple as it gets: CUCM, CUBE 4331, SIP trunk to the provider through CUBE. 711a all the way through. When I call mobile phone from CUCM, phone rings, but as soon as I answer it it is disconnected. I see on CUBE that immediately af...
Hi! I set the hunt pilot with native call queuing a couple days ago, and only today started receiving complaints about agents not being able to transfer to those hunt pilot numbers. Before enabling call queuing, it was possible to transfer calls to t...
Hi! As title suggests, Room Bar pro (or any newer generation device for that matter, that supports MTR software), is there any way for it to call into CMS meeting (OBTP and webRTC also acceptable)? CUstomer has native Cisco Meeting Server infrastruct...
Hi! I had functional IPMA for years on the system spanning from 11.X to 14 (latest). Single Assistants are both connected to Multiple managers, and sometimes single Manager has multiple Assistants. Everything was working fine, until we did upgrade to...
Hi! Basically, I am trying to achieve a paying call center on UCCX. E.g. Customer calls into Call center, he is PIN-authenticated against the DB, and it is checked if he has enough prepaid minutes available in order to be connected to agents. If so, ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-06-2007 05:44 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-03-2025 03:49 AM
Posts 290
Total Helpful Votes Received 159