Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎02-19-2004

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  • 649 Posts
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  • 47 Helpful votes Received
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I'm building a remote site with a Cisco 1921 router. Customer requirement is to use local DSL connection for the guest wireless, corporate wireless user will connect to corporate WLC at the main site. customer don't want to buy a separate controller ...
I have had hit and miss with the EEM  but lately it has stopped working completely. My intent for this EEM is to shut the port if port status show down/disconnected (either system reboots or someone pulls the cable)track 2 interface FastEthernet3/7 l...
Is there a way to change the default run type for LMS jobs from "immediate" to something else? Reason I want to do this is because default "immediate" is always checked and it is always above where you type job description and your email address and ...
I have this script which I'm trying to collect snmp stack based on the %SNMP-3-INPUT_QFULL_ERR. But my concerns is that when these error starts they run for about 2 hours and I get thousands of syslog entries for this error. I want to be able to limi...
I'm replacing a PA-POS-OC3-SM with PA-POS-1OC3 in a flex Wan module (WS-X6582-2PA) in Cisco 6506 using WS-SUP32P-GE PISA.I have a hard time bringing the "protocol up. the status I see is line up and protocol down. Debug shows (attached) no comunicati...
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Member Since ‎02-19-2004 08:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-08-2021 01:20 AM
Posts 649
Total Helpful Votes Received 47
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