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Member since ‎10-09-2003

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HiIn my lab I tested PAT like this:pc connects to R1's ethernet0 interface and R1's serial 0 connects to R2's serial 2 interface.The IPs are as follows:pc -> e0 --> s0 --> s2 --> e0 -->
HiI am confused of what serial ports to buy for 2620XM. In this link in figure 4 there is a network module that has 8 serial ports. But they are asynchronous/synchronous serial ports?The link is:
Hi1) How can I give different user level access?2) When a user logs in to a router or a switch, can I see what command has he/she has used? Can I get my router or switch to maintain a log of it?3) How can I monitor who are the unauthorized people who...
HiIf I take two basic LinkSys access points, and want to set it up in my LAN, what extra configuration do I have to do than configuring only one AP in my LAN?I'm talking about minimum configuration. So, if I take only one LinkSys AP, I would configur...
HiI am configuring a 2511 as a terminal server. I have two 2511s. One 2511 is OK. The other one gives me an error when I try to paste the same configuration that I have in notepad.For the command:line 1 16modem InOutit says that, "line 2 does not sup...
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Member Since ‎10-09-2003 02:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
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