saleem pc
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-02-2010

User Statistics

  • 96 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 94 Helpful votes Given
  • 10 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello, we are planning to deploy Cisco IP Phone 78XX, 88XX with 802.1x authentication. The below admin guide page 16 states "When 802.1X authentication is enabled on the phone, you should disable the PC port and voice VLAN." So is that mean we cannot...
We are in process of migration from CUCM v7 to CUCM v10.5. We have around 3000 SCCP Phone in centralized CUCM v7 also we are migrating the Phones to 8800 seris SIP phones after success ful migration of CUCM. We created an inter cluster trunk between ...
Hello, We have Existing Webex Cloud site. it is managed by site admin. We are trying to configure WebEx Edge Audio so on prem CUCM registred IP Phone can be used for audio over Expresssway pair. I am following the document
Hello, We have CUCM Cluster on BE7K on 10K user OVA, there is a branch with existing seperate BE6K with 100 users. we are migrating the the 100 users to HQ Cluster and need local call processing. I though of 2 options for the Branch.1. 10K user subsc...
Hello, The SX20 and SX80 codecs version ce 9.7.1 registered to Cisco CUCM 10.5 often getting timeout error. I understand unlike regular IP Phones SX devices are not getting time updated from CUCM NTP / NTP reference in CUCM. I configured NTP servers ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-02-2010 12:43 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-20-2022 12:01 AM
Posts 96
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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