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Member since ‎04-21-2016

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Hi all. DNAC - 17.9.4aHope someone is able to help me out here. Today we are using three SSIDs on all our branch offices (using one network profile) all good here. But now our management want a fourth ssid created that should be used only ...
Hi all. We got a customer who are trying to connect Sonos ONE SL to their IOT SSID this works fine. but when it comes to connect / cast to the devices it doesn't work. They are all connected to same WLAN / SSID on the WLC but its handed off to our An...
HiWe are working on a new deployment where we use access points in Flexconnect mode and not locale as do on the rest of our branches.Normally we use MAB validation of each AP, and we wish to continue to use MAB validation of our access points, but im...
Hi all.  Hope someone can help to answer this question. I need to update a webauth cert on our Aireos 5520, which seems only to support TFTP for transfer. Since we are in strict enviroment only place we got a TFTP service is on our Prime 3.9.They web...
We are testing a new set of WLC 9800-L in HA.  running on version 17.3.4c. 2 Mobility peers is configured and in UP state (when HA standby node is down) Once the standby node is up one of the tunnels go down, and cipher changes from TLS_NUM_RSA_WITH_...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-21-2016 12:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 10:25 PM
Posts 101
Total Helpful Votes Received 43
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