Cisco Proximity

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Dear Valued Customers,we wish to inform you of an important update regarding Cisco Proximity. As part of our ongoing product lifecycle management and commitment to providing high-quality solutions, Cisco has made the strategic decision to discontinue...

Anyone has any roadmap info on Proximity? I have a use case that is currently not supported and was wondering if it will be on the roadmap or if we can provide some feedback to the PM. RegardsHaroun Dass

Haroun Dass by Cisco Employee
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Best I can gather, Proximity communicates using frequency 22 kHz.  While outside the range of human hearing, it's well within the range of dogs. Does Proximity interfere with (irritate) service/assistance dogs?  Any reports of people using service an...

The proximity application with Ipad has some intermittent issue when we are sharing the PC to the SX80 device and seeing it on I-pad. How to produce the issue: 1, Connect a PC to SX80 and open 10 page power point presentation file on the PC to show i...

modaka by Level 1
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Hi Gang, Proximity seems to have broken and when attempting to re-install we get the error: I've tried using registry cleaners and clearing the TEMP folder in Windows but no luck. I've also tried to use uninstallers like Recover Uninstaller but it d...

Hi! Whilst downloading the Proximity client I received the attached error message and now I am stuck. Any ideas on how to resolve as I am trying to use proximity with (also) my DX80. Kind regards, Vasco Knopfli

vknopfli by Cisco Employee
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Hello, is there a way to let our users use proxmity without exposing the admin-interface of our telepresence-systems? Because all our telepresence systems are registered on our CUCMs the share the network as DHCP-clients with normal ip-phones. To ge...

We are looking to package the Proximity installation for both Windows and Macs for our user base. No matter how we create the package, the user gets the 'walk through' before they are allowed to use the product. We have already developed a user guide...

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