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CUIC historical reports in Finesse

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Level 1

I am having a hard time understanding how to (or even if it is possible to) put CUIC historical reports (specifically historical reports, not live data reports) into a Finesse gadget in UCCX. I am using UCCX 12.5.1.

The documentation seems to indicate that the CUIC historical reporting gadget only exists for UCCE, not UCCX. Is this accurate? Forum posts are inconsistent on this.


The alternative method that seems to be proposed for historical reports in Finesse is to use the sample CUIC gadget which specifically states it is for 11.6.1 and below; it says use the built-in gadget for higher versions, which, again, I don't think exists for UCCX. Even if I were to use it, it appears it is effectively the same as using the embeddedWebApp gadget to display a permalink, which would then require the end user to log on to CUIC within the iframe that the report is embedded in, even though they are already logged on to Finesse. Is there some way to either pass the Finesse credentials on to the CUIC gadget, or set the report in the permalink to use a generic read-only account automatically?

Or is there a better way to handle historical reports in Finesse in UCCX that I am not figuring out?



8 Replies 8


I dont think this is related to UCCX vs UCCE.


Have you looked at LiveDataGadget.jsp or HistoricalGadget.jsp? (This blurb is from Cisco's Github for Finesse)

"This sample gadget is applicable to CUIC 11.6(1) and below. For CUIC 11.6(2) and above, use the out of the box CUIC gadget (LiveDataGadget.jsp or HistoricalGadget.jsp) to embed CUIC reports in Finesse. Please see the Unified Intelligence Center Gadgets in Cisco Finesse section of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center User Guide for more details."


The section in the CUIC User guide has some step by step instructions... did you try these?

They are available here:

Unified Intelligence Center Gadgets in Cisco Finesse section of the  Cisco Unified Intelligence Center User Guide.

This 100% works in both UCCX and CCE, just make sure you follow the readme carefully.



I have read and tried these; live gadgets work fine but when I try to use HistoricalGadget.jsp, I get this error:


JSP format for gadgets is not supported. To use the XML gadget format, run the CLI "utils finesse layout updateCuicGadgetUrl" on the Finesse server.


when I try to enter that command in the CLI it is not recognized as a valid command.

I have not found any documentation that talks about how to set up the historical reports gadget as an XML format. I tried just changing HistoricalGadget.jsp to HistoricalGadget.xml (to mimic the working LiveDataGadget.xml) but when I do that I get the error "Failed to load the gadget. Either CORS is not configured or a problem has occurred in the Reporting Service." I have confirmed that CORS is configured (which I don't think should matter anyway since everything is on one server).

Level 1
Level 1

I am trying to do the same with UCCX (ES03-93), following the guide: 

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center User Guide, Release 12.5(1)

Chapter: Unified Intelligence Center Gadgets in Cisco Finesse


When I login to finesse it says the same error: "JSP format for gadgets is not supported"..


Do you found the solution?

Hello, I have the same issue, could you please explain how you solved??



Juan Carlos Arias


Level 1
Level 1

We are still working for a solution, we are requesting the authorization to open a case to confirm this solution is supported by UCCX not only UCCE, but probably answer from cisco would be that they dont support any costumization in the reports.

Level 1
Level 1

The documentation "Cisco Unified Intelligence Center User Guide, Release 12.5(1)" is fine, it works for UCCE and UCCX. We tried UCCX 12.0 and 12.5 and works.


This is the example from the documentation:

You need to change HistoricalGadget.jsp? to HistoricalGadget.xml?. After that you need to run the historical report and watch for the @params been passing has a filter, you need to included all the @params in to the request.

For example we have used for testing the historical report call "Unified License Compsumption Report" and if you run it you can see it only wait for param1 and param2 for dates.


Here is the code we used to send parameters:




You need to send every param the report is waiting and it runs fine without error messages.


I was struggling to make it work on 12.5 SU1, but after upgrading now to 12.5SU3, it went quite flawless, except for the reason I had to guess the correct link. The documentation states links to "cuic", but the correct one is "cuicui"! Further more, I find it fascinating how you guys guess these links?! The permalink has completely different format (in format like permalink https://[FQDN-of-uccx]:8444/cuicui/permalink/?viewId=[smth...]&linkType=htmlType... The documentation states (which is total unuseful - wrong marked below with Strikethrough


What you suggested yenmolina is <gadget>https://localhost:8444/cuic/gadget/Historical/HistoricalGadget.xml... which might have changed over versions, but now this examples work perfectly ok (note 8445 and 8444 works ok):




These are all options on relative dates: