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ICM Database Schema - "Agent_Event_Detail" "ReasonCode"

Level 1
Level 1

I have question. In "Agent_Event_Detail" table, I found some strange Reason-Codes which I didn’t configure at ICM Configuration Manager Reason Code tab.

Those values are like that : 65535, 50002, 50010, 50003, 32767, 0, NULL.

Do they have any special meaning?

Currently, our system configured with ICM 6.0, CCS, CEM - Duplexed System.

19 Replies 19

Level 8
Level 8

I don't know what each of those numbers mean individually but they are system "Reason Codes". For example, when an agent gets a call that RONA's, the agent gets transitioned to "Not Ready", but obviously does not select a Reason Code so that would show up as say 65535 as the Not Ready reason code in the report.

- Andy - Berbee

Level 1
Level 1

If you look in the Webview reporting Help feature, and do a search for 'Reason Code', it will give you some of what the reason codes mean.

For '50010', for example, it's reasonably detailed:

"The agent did not receive multiple consecutive calls routed to him/her. The system makes the agent Not Ready automatically so that additional calls are not routed to the agent. By default, the number of consecutive calls missed before the agent is made Not Ready is 2.

This reason code also indicates that the system made the agent Not Ready due to redirection on ring no answer."

It never crossed my mind to actually check the WebView help...

However, I am still having a hard time figuring out the 32767, 997, 50003, 50002, and 50004 codes.

I will keep searching.

Level 1
Level 1

Sometimes the Reason Codes can vary in meaning, according to the specific information that the ACD is inserting into the field (if applicable).

Here are some general descriptions:

50002 - CTI Disconnect Log out or Missed heart?beats or agent closed desktop or CTI component failure.

50003 - Device Failure log out. Call Manager reported that the device is out of service.

50010 - Device Target Abort not ready. Agent failed to receive 2 consecutively routed calls so was set to not ready.

I don't know if the following is relevant.

I don't have any recommendations for you but this is for your reference:

32767 - Isn't this the maximum number that can be represented in an signed binary number?

65535 - In JVM,I think that this is the maximum size for a method can be is 65535.

There may be other reasons for the appearance of these numbers and these are just thoughts. I hope that it helps.

jsokell, one of my colleagues recognized the same thing about 32767 and 65535. I guess that instead of 'throwing' a '0', something sets all the bits to '1'. Not sure on that one.

32767 seems to be the RONA reason code.

The only problem with the ICM loggoff codes is that they are showing with durations above what one would expect. There are multiple instances where the 5000x codes show up with durations that extend past 6 minutes.

However, after looking through the Agent_Event_Detail table, a large percentage of the questionable codes are duplicated with records that have a valid reason code. The canned "agent not ready" report removes these automatically.

For instance, while trying to duplicate the unknow reason codes, I opened an agent desktop and logged in. I then closed the application w/o selecting logoff. There were two records for that login instance. One had a reason code of '0', the other '999'. A repeat of this produced the same result, this time with a '500002' code.

At this point I've covered all the codes that actually show in the canned report except '997'. I'll post if I figure it out.

Hi J Laurence,

Thank you for your response.

You've probably done this already but have you opened up the canned report 'agent not ready' using InfoMaker? There might be something in the comments. I am not an agent desktop expert at all but I wondered if it is possible for the agents to come out of the desktop by using the cross at the right hand side of the window, if it is there. I've seen this with a customised desktop in a previous life, not a Cisco one, however. Are the duplicate codes specific to certain agents, or to all agents? What about '999'?

'999' I've found as 'forced logout' and (unrelated) possibly as supervisor forced ready, passed by the CTIOS supervisor application for the supervisor.

I don't know if this helps but this is all I could find.




Can any one advice me what is the Not ready / logout reason code 1234 stands for in cisco CUIC ??? This is badly affecting the reports in call center

We are using Jawab CTI (web basedcti client)  instead of Cisco CTI ??

I have observed myself  the second   reason code (1234) randomly in two agent position while the agent is in talking state (in CUIC Real time reports) and when I checked the jawab CTI during the same time, there was absolutely no error in the CSR screen and agent was talking normally to the customer with out any issue and call has ended normally.

Could you pls give me your valuable comments , thanks in advance


To check what is the Reason code 1234 stands for, go to ICM config Manager Agent Desk settings List toll and view it.

Note: For reason codes to be displayed in areport, the agent's CTI OS desk settings andCTI OS registry settings need to be configuredto display the reason code. Set this in theUnified ICM Configuration Manager AgentDesk Settings List tool.

Also refer the below link for more information on these Reason codes.

Hope it helps.


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Dear anand,

Yes i know that and this not the reason code which is defined by us in icm config.

I dont think this reason code is coming from cisco..we are using the web based CTI application called Jawab CTI as CTI client ..i think the code 1234 is generating from jawab but iam not 100 % sure..

We can see this reason code in all agent state like - Talking, Ready, Reserved ect and its very strange..pls advice if any one have any idea about this..


Do you have CAD Agents, because you define Reason codes in the CDA (Cisco Desktop Administrator).

If yes, please check the CDA workflow config.

Hope it helps.


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you might want to talk to "Jawab" or the person who set that thing up.

Second, can you just post a screenshot of the report and export the Agent_Event_Detail table from ICM HDS (of course only the parts where you see that strange reason code)




Can you post a picture of your ICM config of the reason codes?
