Hello All,
I'm working on a CallBack option for customer's who don't want to wait on hold. Basically, holding their place in the queue for the next available agent. I'm using the example found at the link below. But, have a few questions regarding the example.
I'm sort of ignoring the Leave a Message portion, as we already have something like that setup to send a caller to voicemail.
After the caller is Queued and the caller presses the 1 key, I send the caller to the portion of the script for the Call Back steps. Right now, I am able to successfully prompt the user for a call back number, which I then capture and read back to the caller to confirm. If the number is good, then a Terminate step.
Then, what I believe you're supposed to do is run a Place Call step to a new Script/Application containing a simple icd script with a Select Resource step. The Place Call step also has a Get Digit String (*under the Successful branch of Place Call) which waits for an Agent's input (*with a press one option to be connected).
This Place Call step hits the Unsuccessful branch. The example from the URL above just says to have the 2nd script's trigger to be a part of a different Call Control Group then the original script the caller was queued in. But, does that Call Control Group need to be a "outbound" Group Type for this to work? I don't appear to have that option when creating a new Call Control Group, so I assume we're not licensed for this. But, I did read something about Direct Preview Outbound, which doesn't require an extra license.
I have the MIVR logs from one of these test calls if needed. This is the first time we're trying anything outbound from UCCX so I'm not sure what's required.
Thanks in Advance,